Time-warp is a feature that enables you to schedule email campaigns according to your subscriber’s time zone. This feature allows you to reach your target subscribers at times they’re online, even if that time is inconvenient for you. To identify the right user time zone, we use the customer’s IP address. However, in case there is difficulty in detecting the time zone, UTC is considered the standard time zone.
For example, the campaign will be sent at different hours for a US subscriber versus a subscriber from the EU and they will get it at their local time, regardless of their time difference.
Make a note that for this feature to work accurately, you have to schedule the campaign 24 hours in advance, and the feature works only for regular campaigns.
Time-warp option is available under the Email Campaign design flow before you finalize the campaign.
It is advised to disable this feature in case one is using queue tables (You can contact [email protected]), it may work in most cases but chances are in some cases sending might stale for hours as it waits for the subscriber to match the time zone.
The performance might degrade while using this feature because MailPion will process many data from your account i.e. list subscribers and IP locations for getting subscribers.