How to Create Email List Form Pages

Email list pages are the pages which are used for email subscription, unsubscription, confirmation and profile updates for the end subscribers. These pages are visible to the end subscriber, located at a particular URL of the email list.

These form pages are hosted at the server. It is required when you want to collect email subscriptions directly without using any website of yours.

Create/ Update Email List Form Pages:

To create/ update an email list page, first create an email list and select the email list, in which you want to create pages, then click on the “Pages” icon. After you have created an email list from the “View all List” menu.

1. Go to Lists -> View All List -> Select a list -> Click on Pages icon.2. By default, you will land on the Subscriber form list page. You can select other list pages from the right side of the screen. By clicking select another list page to edit. MailPion has the following email list pages and an email template, which can be updated according to your requirements:

Subscribe Form Page

Subscribe form page is used to add email subscribers to a particular email list. This page has an email field, first name and last name by default, which you have added in the Custom Fields of an email list. If the customer fields are not set as *required, then you can remove them from the page editor.

Inside the easy-to-use editor, you can import your page template with inline CSS and HTML code. External CSS and JS can be added to the page by using the Custom Assets option from the same page.


Inside the editor, you can use the following tags:

  • [LIST_NAME] – Mention the email list name
  • [LIST_FIELDS] – Add the email list form fields
  • [SUBMIT_BUTTON] – Add the submit button to accept user input details.

*The visibility of fields appearing on the page can be controlled through the Custom Fields option.

Pending Subscribe Page

The Pending Subscribe Page is the page which shows the subscription status of the email subscriber in a particular email list. This page is shown to the email subscriber after they submit their email address inside the form and they are yet to receive an opt-in email for email confirmation.

You can edit this page from the editor, where you can add inline CSS and HTML templates. External CSS and JS can be added to the page by using the Custom Assets option from the same page.

Subscription Confirmed Page

The subscription Confirmed Page is the page which shows the subscription status to the email subscriber in a particular email list. This page is shown to the email subscriber after they click on the verification link, which they receive inside the opt-in email.

You can edit this page from the editor, where you can add inline CSS and HTML templates. External CSS and JS can be added to the page by using the Custom Assets option from the same page.

Update Profile Page

This is the page which is used to update subscriber details. This page has all the fields similar to the subscribe form page, where an email subscriber can easily update all his details.

You can edit this page from the editor, where you can add inline CSS and HTML templates. External CSS and JS can be added to the page by using the Custom Assets option from the same page.

Unsubscribe Form Page

This is the page which is used for the subscriber to unsubscribe their email address. This form page will take the unsubscriber to the Unsubscribe Confirmation page to confirm their desire for unsubscription.

Unsubscribe Confirmation

This is the page which appears after an email subscriber expresses their desire to unsubscribe themselves from an email list. You can customize this email page to look beautiful and to use so that the email unsubscriber should not feel bad while unsubscribing from your email list.

Subscribe Confirmation Email

This is the email template which an email subscriber receives when they add their email to the email subscription. This is the opt-in confirmation email template which has a confirmation link.

Unsubscribe Confirmation Email

This is the email template which an email subscriber receives when they remove their email from an email list. This is the opt-out confirmation email template which has a confirmation link.

Welcome Email

This is the email template which an email subscriber receives after they are successfully added to an email list.

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