How To Use Email Pre-Header In Templates ?

Email pre-header is an effective way to make your email campaign templates land in your inbox rather than spam. Here we are going to let you know what is and how it can be used.

  • What is an email pre-header?
  • Advantages of using email pre-header
  • How to add a pre-header to your email template?

What is an Email Pre-Header?

An email pre-header is a summarized text followed by a subject line when an email is viewed. It should be simple and understandable so that when people open an email, it will raise the email open rate, and click rate and reduce spam complaints.

People may also know the pre-header as “Johnson Box“. After From Name, Subject Line, pre-header is the third item which subscribers see while viewing an email.

Pre-header can mean the difference between someone who is opening the email and archiving it, so most probably you want it to be meaningful.

Pre-header is very important nowadays as many mobile devices, desktops and web email clients display the first line of text along with the subject line.

Advantages of Using Email Pre-Header.

Adding a good email pre-header in an email marketing campaign will make it more effective and help to increase email open rate, and click rate, and reduce the spam rate.

It does not have a character limit because number of characters displayed varies depending on the email client.

How to add a pre-header to your email template?

On the Campaign setup page, under Campaign options, you will see a Pre-header field, Insert text here for your pre-header.

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